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Horatio Elementary School
Horatio Elementary School
Submitted by:
Brettny Mitchell
Behavior Interventionist
Horatio Elementary School
Horatio Schools
Rubric goals
School Culture
Behavior Improvement
Target grades
Rubric type

Horatio Elementary School Behavior Rubric

About Their Behavior Rubric

Horatio Elementary School’s behavior rubric is sorted into location-based categories:

  • Bathroom
  • Bus
  • Cafeteria
  • Classroom/Library
  • Hallway
  • Office
  • Playground

Under each category are rubric items for which students can earn or lose points based on their behavior. For example, “cleaning up after yourself” is an (important, we might say) expectation in Bathroom, “remaining quite in line” is an expectation in Cafeteria, and “using technology appropriately” is an expectation in Classroom/Library.

An additional rubric category is “Lion Pride,” which focuses on Horatio’s cultural values like attitude, accountability, helpfulness, and participation.

Behavior Reporting

The final rubric section is reserved for admin use only and contains rubric items concerning dress code, OSS, and attendance. Documenting these enables Horatio to use their behavior rubric in LiveSchool as a behavior tracking system. Incidents with OSS, for example, are then recorded on the student’s dashboard.

This means the behavior team at Horatio can easily report on these incidents using Insights and that parents are alerted to infractions using weekly updates from Recaps.

It also means that larger infractions are reported alongside a more complete picture of student behavior at school, giving the behavior and intervention teams a stronger understanding of trends over time, what might have prompted an incident, and the behavioral strengths of every student.

For example, Horatio has an average behavior ratio of 14:1, which means there are 14 positive behaviors for every negative behavior this year. This comes from their total points recorded, which is 125,000 over five months!

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