House Name Idea

Above and Beyond With Goodlettsville

Goodlettsville Elementary is located in Goodlettsville, Tennessee just a short drive north from Nashville. Goodlettsville has a really strong House System that is focused on celebrating student achievement and building community.

They have 4 houses that are used to promote positive student behavior. Each class gets House Points for going above and beyond school-wide expectations. The students at Goodlettsville love to hear the chime when they are earning points.

The students and staff at Goodlettsville are the Trojans so the Houses are all named by the values they represent in Greco-Roman verbiage.

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House Name Ideas:

Altruismo - Altruism

Fidelta - Fidelity

Thar'ros - Bravery

Philotimo - Honor

Set Up in LiveSchool

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Global Citizenship
Above and Beyond With Goodlettsville
Global Citizenship
Above and Beyond With Goodlettsville

Goodlettsville Elementary is located in Goodlettsville, Tennessee just a short drive north from Nashville. Goodlettsville has a really strong House System that is focused on celebrating student achievement and building community.

They have 4 houses that are used to promote positive student behavior. Each class gets House Points for going above and beyond school-wide expectations. The students at Goodlettsville love to hear the chime when they are earning points.

The students and staff at Goodlettsville are the Trojans so the Houses are all named by the values they represent in Greco-Roman verbiage.

House Name Ideas:
Altruismo - Altruism
Fidelta - Fidelity
Thar'ros - Bravery
Philotimo - Honor
Set up in LiveSchool

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