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House Cup Adventure
Submitted by:
Amy Monroe
House Cup Adventure
Submitted by:
Amy Monroe
Target grades
Cost level
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Winner takes all!

Classical Charter Schools at Southport implemented a house system to foster a sense of community and recognize good behavior. The houses are named after Classical Values:

  • House Virtus (virtue)
  • House Honestas (honor)
  • House Civitas (citizenship)

You can read more about their House program here →

Each quarter, the Houses at Classical Charter Schools of Southport compete for the House Cup. In addition to the honor of winning, the victorious House also receives an all-expenses-paid field trip.

How It Works

At the end of each quarter, one house wins the "house cup" and earns a free, all-expenses-paid field trip. The winning House also receives a shout-out on Facebook.

This past quarter, the Classical Charter Schools team took students to a local mini golf course and ice cream. They left shortly after the first bell and returned in time for lunch and electives that afternoon.

"The kids LOVED playing golf and having ice cream," says Ms. Monroe, Assistant Headmaster.

Even though the competition is quarterly, the enthusiasm is high throughout the quarter. Ms. Monroe announces the leading house weekly, and the live House dashboard from LiveSchool is also displayed on TVs throughout the school.

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