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Picnic Lunch
Submitted by:
Katie Neumeier
Picnic Lunch
Submitted by:
Katie Neumeier
Target grades
Cost level
Low Cost/DIY
Group size

An old fashioned picnic.

Eating in the cafeteria every day can be boring, and there is no way we can accommodate every student in the classroom for lunch. Also, the thought of crumbs and milk everywhere is horrifying.

A great alternative would be to have a picnic outside. So why not? Students get to enjoy some fresh air and food, and you can enjoy not having to clean up. Students can also bring their blankets or quilts from home for extra comfort.

How It Works

Bring out the fun with points. You can make this event more exclusive by:

  • Making it available only to the winning House in your House Points Competition.
  • Letting the winning House be first to go or get access to a special treat.
  • Having students cash in their points for entrance.

You can also make this an event where students and Houses can earn points for as they compete (think: egg, potato sack, and wheelbarrow races!).

Set up in LiveSchool

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