Let's turn your Rewards Store into the School Culture building machine it was always meant to be!
Explore 100+ ideas from schools like yours.
Explore school-wide behavior expectations from other schools.
The best Houses reflect your school’s unique culture. Browse examples from real schools and start brainstorming your House system!
Track behavior, motivate students, and promote a positive culture — all in one easy platform.
There are endless possibilities when it comes to how you can run a school store. But what we’ve learned from our customers is that in order for it to be successful… it needs to be efficient, student-focused, and sustainable.
In this article, we will share some of the most common ways the LiveSchool Community has found success with running their school store.
First and foremost, let’s get on the same page with what we mean when we say “school store.”
In LiveSchool, students are able to earn points based on criteria that the school customizes. Any time a student receives a point from a staff member, the point is automatically deposited into the student’s bank account.
The student’s current bank account can be seen by clicking into the “Rewards” section in LiveSchool and looking at the blue bubble on the student’s button.
Note: this is different from the green bubble in “Points”.
The school is able to set up a rewards menu in LiveSchool where you can determine the items or privileges that students can then redeem with their points. In order to ensure that every student in your school has the opportunity to redeem rewards consistently, many schools choose to create a school reward store that students can shop from weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly.
Typically, we see store menus with a wide range of options from small trinkets to big opportunities like tickets to a sporting event or even being the Principal for the Day! Check out our Rewards that Rock database for 100+ ideas on what to include in your school store!
When running a store, schools need to take into account their specific schedules, physical space, and enrollment numbers. Because these things tend to vary vastly, we see schools take different approaches to run their store.
Here are some of the most common ways our schools are finding success with running their store including the pros and cons that come with each.
Note: some of these ideas can be used together!
Schools will organize all of their tangible rewards onto a cart with wheels and take it class-to-class on a specific day and time. The people in charge of the cart will have a laptop, tablet, or phone to enter the rewards into LiveSchool and the student will receive their reward right then.
Similarly to the cart, schools will organize their rewards in an empty closet or room where students can come and shop. The people manning the store have a device to put the reward into LiveSchool once students make their decisions. Schools have set times when the store is open and ensure that they have workers to man it.
It’s becoming more and more common for us to hear that our schools are finding success with a student-run store. In these cases, the school has created a team of students that are in charge of the day-to-day operations of the store. There are a few ways to create this team - some schools do it like student council where students from each class are elected, while others have students complete a job application and interview process.
A school store can be a major undertaking. That’s why many schools are looking at ways to incorporate leadership opportunities in the form of a student-run rewards store.
We recommend checking out our webinar with Elizabeth Holt, Teacher at Von Tobel Middle, where she breaks down how she set up their student-run rewards store. Click here to view!
Rather than have students line up and physically tell a store worker what they want, many schools have opted to go digital with online order forms. You can create a google form where the students enter their name, homeroom, and point balance, and then choose the rewards that they want to redeem. This form submission goes to the store leader who can create a process for how the reward will get put into LiveSchool and delivered to the student.
Click here for an order form template!
An additional idea that we heard from Jason Haniger during an episode of our podcast, The Flywheel Effect, is to use Google Calendar to schedule the reward if it is a privilege.
Here’s how: You create a calendar invite with the students who have redeemed the reward and staff member who is in charge. They will then be able to check their accounts to see when it’s happening.
How consistently students have access to the rewards can be a big factor to student buy-in.You want to make sure it’s often enough so that students have the opportunity to use their points and correlate that to the positive behaviors they’ve been exhibiting.
On the flip side, you need your store to be sustainable too. So, decide how often you can reliably open the store and ensure that it’s a positive experience for your students. If that’s just once a month, then start there. You can always increase the times as the year goes on.
Here are the most common times our schools run their stores:
As mentioned before, any of these ideas can be used together! Hear how Callie Daugherty at Wirt High School has set up their store this year and the success they’ve had:
Whether you’re new to running a school store or your school has been running one for a while now, hopefully these tips will help improve the experience for all involved. Need more information on building your own student rewards store? Check out episode 35 of our podcast. And if you’re looking for a reward system that’s focused on incentives rather than a store, check out our Point Goal Rewards!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
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Explore 100+ ideas from schools like yours.
Explore school-wide behavior expectations from other schools.
The best Houses reflect your school’s unique culture. Browse examples from real schools and start brainstorming your House system!
Track behavior, motivate students, and promote a positive culture — all in one easy platform.
In this article, we will share some of the most common ways the LiveSchool Community has found success with running their school store.
First and foremost, let’s get on the same page with what we mean when we say “school store.”
In LiveSchool, students are able to earn points based on criteria that the school customizes. Any time a student receives a point from a staff member, the point is automatically deposited into the student’s bank account.
The student’s current bank account can be seen by clicking into the “Rewards” section in LiveSchool and looking at the blue bubble on the student’s button.
Note: this is different from the green bubble in “Points”.
The school is able to set up a rewards menu in LiveSchool where you can determine the items or privileges that students can then redeem with their points. In order to ensure that every student in your school has the opportunity to redeem rewards consistently, many schools choose to create a school reward store that students can shop from weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly.
Typically, we see store menus with a wide range of options from small trinkets to big opportunities like tickets to a sporting event or even being the Principal for the Day! Check out our Rewards that Rock database for 100+ ideas on what to include in your school store!
When running a store, schools need to take into account their specific schedules, physical space, and enrollment numbers. Because these things tend to vary vastly, we see schools take different approaches to run their store.
Here are some of the most common ways our schools are finding success with running their store including the pros and cons that come with each.
Note: some of these ideas can be used together!
Schools will organize all of their tangible rewards onto a cart with wheels and take it class-to-class on a specific day and time. The people in charge of the cart will have a laptop, tablet, or phone to enter the rewards into LiveSchool and the student will receive their reward right then.
Similarly to the cart, schools will organize their rewards in an empty closet or room where students can come and shop. The people manning the store have a device to put the reward into LiveSchool once students make their decisions. Schools have set times when the store is open and ensure that they have workers to man it.
It’s becoming more and more common for us to hear that our schools are finding success with a student-run store. In these cases, the school has created a team of students that are in charge of the day-to-day operations of the store. There are a few ways to create this team - some schools do it like student council where students from each class are elected, while others have students complete a job application and interview process.
A school store can be a major undertaking. That’s why many schools are looking at ways to incorporate leadership opportunities in the form of a student-run rewards store.
We recommend checking out our webinar with Elizabeth Holt, Teacher at Von Tobel Middle, where she breaks down how she set up their student-run rewards store. Click here to view!
Rather than have students line up and physically tell a store worker what they want, many schools have opted to go digital with online order forms. You can create a google form where the students enter their name, homeroom, and point balance, and then choose the rewards that they want to redeem. This form submission goes to the store leader who can create a process for how the reward will get put into LiveSchool and delivered to the student.
Click here for an order form template!
An additional idea that we heard from Jason Haniger during an episode of our podcast, The Flywheel Effect, is to use Google Calendar to schedule the reward if it is a privilege.
Here’s how: You create a calendar invite with the students who have redeemed the reward and staff member who is in charge. They will then be able to check their accounts to see when it’s happening.
How consistently students have access to the rewards can be a big factor to student buy-in.You want to make sure it’s often enough so that students have the opportunity to use their points and correlate that to the positive behaviors they’ve been exhibiting.
On the flip side, you need your store to be sustainable too. So, decide how often you can reliably open the store and ensure that it’s a positive experience for your students. If that’s just once a month, then start there. You can always increase the times as the year goes on.
Here are the most common times our schools run their stores:
As mentioned before, any of these ideas can be used together! Hear how Callie Daugherty at Wirt High School has set up their store this year and the success they’ve had:
Whether you’re new to running a school store or your school has been running one for a while now, hopefully these tips will help improve the experience for all involved. Need more information on building your own student rewards store? Check out episode 35 of our podcast. And if you’re looking for a reward system that’s focused on incentives rather than a store, check out our Point Goal Rewards!
Explore 100+ ideas from schools like yours.
Explore school-wide behavior expectations from other schools.
The best Houses reflect your school’s unique culture. Browse examples from real schools and start brainstorming your House system!
Track behavior, motivate students, and promote a positive culture — all in one easy platform.
In this article, we will share some of the most common ways the LiveSchool Community has found success with running their school store.
First and foremost, let’s get on the same page with what we mean when we say “school store.”
In LiveSchool, students are able to earn points based on criteria that the school customizes. Any time a student receives a point from a staff member, the point is automatically deposited into the student’s bank account.
The student’s current bank account can be seen by clicking into the “Rewards” section in LiveSchool and looking at the blue bubble on the student’s button.
Note: this is different from the green bubble in “Points”.
The school is able to set up a rewards menu in LiveSchool where you can determine the items or privileges that students can then redeem with their points. In order to ensure that every student in your school has the opportunity to redeem rewards consistently, many schools choose to create a school reward store that students can shop from weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly.
Typically, we see store menus with a wide range of options from small trinkets to big opportunities like tickets to a sporting event or even being the Principal for the Day! Check out our Rewards that Rock database for 100+ ideas on what to include in your school store!
When running a store, schools need to take into account their specific schedules, physical space, and enrollment numbers. Because these things tend to vary vastly, we see schools take different approaches to run their store.
Here are some of the most common ways our schools are finding success with running their store including the pros and cons that come with each.
Note: some of these ideas can be used together!
Schools will organize all of their tangible rewards onto a cart with wheels and take it class-to-class on a specific day and time. The people in charge of the cart will have a laptop, tablet, or phone to enter the rewards into LiveSchool and the student will receive their reward right then.
Similarly to the cart, schools will organize their rewards in an empty closet or room where students can come and shop. The people manning the store have a device to put the reward into LiveSchool once students make their decisions. Schools have set times when the store is open and ensure that they have workers to man it.
It’s becoming more and more common for us to hear that our schools are finding success with a student-run store. In these cases, the school has created a team of students that are in charge of the day-to-day operations of the store. There are a few ways to create this team - some schools do it like student council where students from each class are elected, while others have students complete a job application and interview process.
A school store can be a major undertaking. That’s why many schools are looking at ways to incorporate leadership opportunities in the form of a student-run rewards store.
We recommend checking out our webinar with Elizabeth Holt, Teacher at Von Tobel Middle, where she breaks down how she set up their student-run rewards store. Click here to view!
Rather than have students line up and physically tell a store worker what they want, many schools have opted to go digital with online order forms. You can create a google form where the students enter their name, homeroom, and point balance, and then choose the rewards that they want to redeem. This form submission goes to the store leader who can create a process for how the reward will get put into LiveSchool and delivered to the student.
Click here for an order form template!
An additional idea that we heard from Jason Haniger during an episode of our podcast, The Flywheel Effect, is to use Google Calendar to schedule the reward if it is a privilege.
Here’s how: You create a calendar invite with the students who have redeemed the reward and staff member who is in charge. They will then be able to check their accounts to see when it’s happening.
How consistently students have access to the rewards can be a big factor to student buy-in.You want to make sure it’s often enough so that students have the opportunity to use their points and correlate that to the positive behaviors they’ve been exhibiting.
On the flip side, you need your store to be sustainable too. So, decide how often you can reliably open the store and ensure that it’s a positive experience for your students. If that’s just once a month, then start there. You can always increase the times as the year goes on.
Here are the most common times our schools run their stores:
As mentioned before, any of these ideas can be used together! Hear how Callie Daugherty at Wirt High School has set up their store this year and the success they’ve had:
Whether you’re new to running a school store or your school has been running one for a while now, hopefully these tips will help improve the experience for all involved. Need more information on building your own student rewards store? Check out episode 35 of our podcast. And if you’re looking for a reward system that’s focused on incentives rather than a store, check out our Point Goal Rewards!
In this article, we will share some of the most common ways the LiveSchool Community has found success with running their school store.
First and foremost, let’s get on the same page with what we mean when we say “school store.”
In LiveSchool, students are able to earn points based on criteria that the school customizes. Any time a student receives a point from a staff member, the point is automatically deposited into the student’s bank account.
The student’s current bank account can be seen by clicking into the “Rewards” section in LiveSchool and looking at the blue bubble on the student’s button.
Note: this is different from the green bubble in “Points”.
The school is able to set up a rewards menu in LiveSchool where you can determine the items or privileges that students can then redeem with their points. In order to ensure that every student in your school has the opportunity to redeem rewards consistently, many schools choose to create a school reward store that students can shop from weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly.
Typically, we see store menus with a wide range of options from small trinkets to big opportunities like tickets to a sporting event or even being the Principal for the Day! Check out our Rewards that Rock database for 100+ ideas on what to include in your school store!
When running a store, schools need to take into account their specific schedules, physical space, and enrollment numbers. Because these things tend to vary vastly, we see schools take different approaches to run their store.
Here are some of the most common ways our schools are finding success with running their store including the pros and cons that come with each.
Note: some of these ideas can be used together!
Schools will organize all of their tangible rewards onto a cart with wheels and take it class-to-class on a specific day and time. The people in charge of the cart will have a laptop, tablet, or phone to enter the rewards into LiveSchool and the student will receive their reward right then.
Similarly to the cart, schools will organize their rewards in an empty closet or room where students can come and shop. The people manning the store have a device to put the reward into LiveSchool once students make their decisions. Schools have set times when the store is open and ensure that they have workers to man it.
It’s becoming more and more common for us to hear that our schools are finding success with a student-run store. In these cases, the school has created a team of students that are in charge of the day-to-day operations of the store. There are a few ways to create this team - some schools do it like student council where students from each class are elected, while others have students complete a job application and interview process.
A school store can be a major undertaking. That’s why many schools are looking at ways to incorporate leadership opportunities in the form of a student-run rewards store.
We recommend checking out our webinar with Elizabeth Holt, Teacher at Von Tobel Middle, where she breaks down how she set up their student-run rewards store. Click here to view!
Rather than have students line up and physically tell a store worker what they want, many schools have opted to go digital with online order forms. You can create a google form where the students enter their name, homeroom, and point balance, and then choose the rewards that they want to redeem. This form submission goes to the store leader who can create a process for how the reward will get put into LiveSchool and delivered to the student.
Click here for an order form template!
An additional idea that we heard from Jason Haniger during an episode of our podcast, The Flywheel Effect, is to use Google Calendar to schedule the reward if it is a privilege.
Here’s how: You create a calendar invite with the students who have redeemed the reward and staff member who is in charge. They will then be able to check their accounts to see when it’s happening.
How consistently students have access to the rewards can be a big factor to student buy-in.You want to make sure it’s often enough so that students have the opportunity to use their points and correlate that to the positive behaviors they’ve been exhibiting.
On the flip side, you need your store to be sustainable too. So, decide how often you can reliably open the store and ensure that it’s a positive experience for your students. If that’s just once a month, then start there. You can always increase the times as the year goes on.
Here are the most common times our schools run their stores:
As mentioned before, any of these ideas can be used together! Hear how Callie Daugherty at Wirt High School has set up their store this year and the success they’ve had:
Whether you’re new to running a school store or your school has been running one for a while now, hopefully these tips will help improve the experience for all involved. Need more information on building your own student rewards store? Check out episode 35 of our podcast. And if you’re looking for a reward system that’s focused on incentives rather than a store, check out our Point Goal Rewards!
Hannah works with the LiveSchool team as our Product Marketing Manager. She works diligently to help teachers and administrators improve school culture and student behavior.
She understands firsthand the challenges that LiveSchool addresses because she worked for seven years as a teacher in Metro Nashville Public Schools before joining the team full-time.
In addition to supporting educators achieve their culture vision, Hannah also enjoys rooting on the Cubs, playing tennis, trivia, and traveling!
Explore 100+ ideas from schools like yours.
Explore school-wide behavior expectations from other schools.
The best Houses reflect your school’s unique culture. Browse examples from real schools and start brainstorming your House system!
Track behavior, motivate students, and promote a positive culture — all in one easy platform.
There are endless possibilities when it comes to how you can run a school store. But what we’ve learned from our customers is that in order for it to be successful… it needs to be efficient, student-focused, and sustainable.
In this article, we will share some of the most common ways the LiveSchool Community has found success with running their school store.
First and foremost, let’s get on the same page with what we mean when we say “school store.”
In LiveSchool, students are able to earn points based on criteria that the school customizes. Any time a student receives a point from a staff member, the point is automatically deposited into the student’s bank account.
The student’s current bank account can be seen by clicking into the “Rewards” section in LiveSchool and looking at the blue bubble on the student’s button.
Note: this is different from the green bubble in “Points”.
The school is able to set up a rewards menu in LiveSchool where you can determine the items or privileges that students can then redeem with their points. In order to ensure that every student in your school has the opportunity to redeem rewards consistently, many schools choose to create a school reward store that students can shop from weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly.
Typically, we see store menus with a wide range of options from small trinkets to big opportunities like tickets to a sporting event or even being the Principal for the Day! Check out our Rewards that Rock database for 100+ ideas on what to include in your school store!
When running a store, schools need to take into account their specific schedules, physical space, and enrollment numbers. Because these things tend to vary vastly, we see schools take different approaches to run their store.
Here are some of the most common ways our schools are finding success with running their store including the pros and cons that come with each.
Note: some of these ideas can be used together!
Schools will organize all of their tangible rewards onto a cart with wheels and take it class-to-class on a specific day and time. The people in charge of the cart will have a laptop, tablet, or phone to enter the rewards into LiveSchool and the student will receive their reward right then.
Similarly to the cart, schools will organize their rewards in an empty closet or room where students can come and shop. The people manning the store have a device to put the reward into LiveSchool once students make their decisions. Schools have set times when the store is open and ensure that they have workers to man it.
It’s becoming more and more common for us to hear that our schools are finding success with a student-run store. In these cases, the school has created a team of students that are in charge of the day-to-day operations of the store. There are a few ways to create this team - some schools do it like student council where students from each class are elected, while others have students complete a job application and interview process.
A school store can be a major undertaking. That’s why many schools are looking at ways to incorporate leadership opportunities in the form of a student-run rewards store.
We recommend checking out our webinar with Elizabeth Holt, Teacher at Von Tobel Middle, where she breaks down how she set up their student-run rewards store. Click here to view!
Rather than have students line up and physically tell a store worker what they want, many schools have opted to go digital with online order forms. You can create a google form where the students enter their name, homeroom, and point balance, and then choose the rewards that they want to redeem. This form submission goes to the store leader who can create a process for how the reward will get put into LiveSchool and delivered to the student.
Click here for an order form template!
An additional idea that we heard from Jason Haniger during an episode of our podcast, The Flywheel Effect, is to use Google Calendar to schedule the reward if it is a privilege.
Here’s how: You create a calendar invite with the students who have redeemed the reward and staff member who is in charge. They will then be able to check their accounts to see when it’s happening.
How consistently students have access to the rewards can be a big factor to student buy-in.You want to make sure it’s often enough so that students have the opportunity to use their points and correlate that to the positive behaviors they’ve been exhibiting.
On the flip side, you need your store to be sustainable too. So, decide how often you can reliably open the store and ensure that it’s a positive experience for your students. If that’s just once a month, then start there. You can always increase the times as the year goes on.
Here are the most common times our schools run their stores:
As mentioned before, any of these ideas can be used together! Hear how Callie Daugherty at Wirt High School has set up their store this year and the success they’ve had:
Whether you’re new to running a school store or your school has been running one for a while now, hopefully these tips will help improve the experience for all involved. Need more information on building your own student rewards store? Check out episode 35 of our podcast. And if you’re looking for a reward system that’s focused on incentives rather than a store, check out our Point Goal Rewards!
Explore 100+ ideas from schools like yours.
Explore school-wide behavior expectations from other schools.
The best Houses reflect your school’s unique culture. Browse examples from real schools and start brainstorming your House system!
Track behavior, motivate students, and promote a positive culture — all in one easy platform.
There are endless possibilities when it comes to how you can run a school store. But what we’ve learned from our customers is that in order for it to be successful… it needs to be efficient, student-focused, and sustainable.
In this article, we will share some of the most common ways the LiveSchool Community has found success with running their school store.
First and foremost, let’s get on the same page with what we mean when we say “school store.”
In LiveSchool, students are able to earn points based on criteria that the school customizes. Any time a student receives a point from a staff member, the point is automatically deposited into the student’s bank account.
The student’s current bank account can be seen by clicking into the “Rewards” section in LiveSchool and looking at the blue bubble on the student’s button.
Note: this is different from the green bubble in “Points”.
The school is able to set up a rewards menu in LiveSchool where you can determine the items or privileges that students can then redeem with their points. In order to ensure that every student in your school has the opportunity to redeem rewards consistently, many schools choose to create a school reward store that students can shop from weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly.
Typically, we see store menus with a wide range of options from small trinkets to big opportunities like tickets to a sporting event or even being the Principal for the Day! Check out our Rewards that Rock database for 100+ ideas on what to include in your school store!
When running a store, schools need to take into account their specific schedules, physical space, and enrollment numbers. Because these things tend to vary vastly, we see schools take different approaches to run their store.
Here are some of the most common ways our schools are finding success with running their store including the pros and cons that come with each.
Note: some of these ideas can be used together!
Schools will organize all of their tangible rewards onto a cart with wheels and take it class-to-class on a specific day and time. The people in charge of the cart will have a laptop, tablet, or phone to enter the rewards into LiveSchool and the student will receive their reward right then.
Similarly to the cart, schools will organize their rewards in an empty closet or room where students can come and shop. The people manning the store have a device to put the reward into LiveSchool once students make their decisions. Schools have set times when the store is open and ensure that they have workers to man it.
It’s becoming more and more common for us to hear that our schools are finding success with a student-run store. In these cases, the school has created a team of students that are in charge of the day-to-day operations of the store. There are a few ways to create this team - some schools do it like student council where students from each class are elected, while others have students complete a job application and interview process.
A school store can be a major undertaking. That’s why many schools are looking at ways to incorporate leadership opportunities in the form of a student-run rewards store.
We recommend checking out our webinar with Elizabeth Holt, Teacher at Von Tobel Middle, where she breaks down how she set up their student-run rewards store. Click here to view!
Rather than have students line up and physically tell a store worker what they want, many schools have opted to go digital with online order forms. You can create a google form where the students enter their name, homeroom, and point balance, and then choose the rewards that they want to redeem. This form submission goes to the store leader who can create a process for how the reward will get put into LiveSchool and delivered to the student.
Click here for an order form template!
An additional idea that we heard from Jason Haniger during an episode of our podcast, The Flywheel Effect, is to use Google Calendar to schedule the reward if it is a privilege.
Here’s how: You create a calendar invite with the students who have redeemed the reward and staff member who is in charge. They will then be able to check their accounts to see when it’s happening.
How consistently students have access to the rewards can be a big factor to student buy-in.You want to make sure it’s often enough so that students have the opportunity to use their points and correlate that to the positive behaviors they’ve been exhibiting.
On the flip side, you need your store to be sustainable too. So, decide how often you can reliably open the store and ensure that it’s a positive experience for your students. If that’s just once a month, then start there. You can always increase the times as the year goes on.
Here are the most common times our schools run their stores:
As mentioned before, any of these ideas can be used together! Hear how Callie Daugherty at Wirt High School has set up their store this year and the success they’ve had:
Whether you’re new to running a school store or your school has been running one for a while now, hopefully these tips will help improve the experience for all involved. Need more information on building your own student rewards store? Check out episode 35 of our podcast. And if you’re looking for a reward system that’s focused on incentives rather than a store, check out our Point Goal Rewards!